Hey Mike! Not at the moment but I will be getting some soon!
]]>For sure! I have used those to fish with flies on spinning gear for small tarpon. Works great!
]]>My pleasure Jerry!
]]>For sure! You could even rig those lures up on a regular wide gap hook with no weight. The natural buoyancy of the lure will help keep it up in the water column. If anything you could add a tiny split shot weight if the current is strong to sort of keep it at the right depth as it’s drifting.
]]>Hey David! I believe I saw your question on another post and answered it there.
]]>Hey Steve! If you plan to keep your cork on your line I would recommend feeding the line through the pin itself, and then loop it around the cork through the slit and push the pin through. You can still adjust the depth as needed but the pin will have to stay on your line unless you cut your hook or lure off, slide it off, and re-tie. You could also wrap the braid around the cork and then put the pin in, but if using very thin line it may slice the cork in half if you hook into a decent fish.