How To Tie The Trilene Knot (Easy & Strong Snug Knot)


The Trilene knot is a great knot to use when you need a snug knot that’s quick and strong.

It’s great for fluorocarbon and monofilament because these materials have a tendency to slip, and this knot prevents that.

And if you make the right modifications to it (explained in the second video below), then it can be a good knot for braided line as well.

Learn how to tie the trilene knot step-by-step below.


How To Tie The Trilene Knot [VIDEO]

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Here’s how to tie this knot step by step:

Step 1: Put the line through the eye of the hook.

trilene knot tutorial

Step 2: Double the line back through the eye of the hook, forming a loop.

trilene knot step by step

Step 3: Wrap the tag end around the main line 4-6 times.

best knot for fluorocarbon

Step 4: Put the tag end through the two loops at the eye of the hook.

Note: Don’t go through the eye of the hook.

best knot for monofilament

Step 5: Cinch the knot down and push the coils of the tag end wrapped around the main line up towards the eye of the hook.

How To Tie The Trilene Knot With Braided Line

The tips above will help you tie the trilene knot with fluorocarbon or monofilament.

But if you’re using braided line, there’s a slight modification you’ll need to make because it’s even more prone to slipping than mono or fluoro.

See what the modification is in the video below.

Tying The Trilene Knot With Braid [VIDEO]

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➡ Click here to see the best knot for every situation

Although the steps are nearly identical for tying the trilene knot with braid as with mono or fluoro, wrapping the tag end around the line five times just isn’t enough.

Braid is much more smooth and has a greater tendency to slip, so you’ll need to make 7-10 wraps around the line.


There you have it!

Step by step instructions on how to tie the trilene knot with fluorocarbon, monofilament, and braided line.

Have any questions about this knot?

Have you used it before?

Let me know in the comments below.

And if you know someone who should try this knot out, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Chuck Schroeder
4 days ago

Thank you for the video. I recently started steelhead fishing in a Milwaukee-area tributary, and all the local wisdom says use 8-lb. (or even 6-lb.) fluoro when the water is low and clear. I wanted to find the strongest knot I can tie reliably, and so far, so good with the Trilene knot.

I had tried the Orvis knot with 10-lb. fluoro last year and lost a good smallie (as with the steelhead, low, clear water and highly pressured fish is my reason for using fluoro). I probably made a mistake, but that’s the thing about knots. “Tie a knot you know won’t come undone” is about the best advice I ever got about which knot is best, so I go with the confidence knots. It has been the Uni for 50 years. Now I can add the Trilene.

Last edited 4 days ago by Chuck Schroeder
Rex Russo
2 years ago


So says the title, but your link went askew and shows it tied with mono.

Inquiring minds want to know what the modification is.

Is it just twisting the tag around the leader more times?

joe quellman
2 years ago

visual “representation”- neatly, clearly demonstrated. thx much

Earl B Thigpen
2 years ago

Was hoping to see the “loop knot” you were talking about. I prefer to use the Palomar knot but always up for an easier knot to tie. Thanks for the info. I’ll try it.

William Oliver
2 years ago

I thought the Orvis knot was the latest greatest terminal knot y’all recommend for mono and flouro

Malcolm Hayward
2 years ago

“Grinner” is better. Look it up. Richard Walker “Still Water Angling”.
No locking coil to be a weakness.
Double turn around the eye is generally a good idea.
Always tighten down to a cone. Delays the line cutting itself.
Do Not overtighten the tag end. Misshapes the knot and weakens it considerable.
If it slips, not enough coils. Why Grinner is double coiled in the first place.
Enough coils so natural friction holds everything.
Trim carefully to be weedless or leave 1/4″ as a bait holder.

Above 30lbs, crimp. Crimped Flemish Twist is the ultimate as used by Long liners.

Biminnis for braid. Then tie the doubled line.

Better still, use hollow braid and splice it.

All testing, should be after a 24hr. soak.
Very revealing.

You can use a rig but an archery spring balance with tell tale works just as well.

Flobbing on the knot not only helps the coils to slide into place, it prevents the friction causing heat damage.

Repeat. Knots should be slightly conical. Do not overtighten the tag end.


Rex Russo
2 years ago

It’s no different than a uni-knot, except you pass through the eye 2x

Robert Huerbsch
3 years ago

I’m having issues with my trilene knots slipping when I hook up with larger reds. Any suggestions on an alternative? Having the issue with both braid and mono sometimes slipping. With braid I’m doing 7-8 twists vs 5 with mono or flouro. Have switched to the Palomar temporarily but I know the knot strength is not as good

2 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

Well Tony its 8 months later now, and since I’ve switched to palomar, have not had a knot slip on larger fish yet!

Adam Bailey
3 years ago

Thanks for the helpful video, Tony! This is one of two snug knots that I know where the tag doesn’t point back to the rod, and is therefore more weedless. The other knot I learned from Tackle Advisors YouTube channel. Search tackle advisors weedless uni knot. It’s a simple extra step to the uni knot. However, the weedless uni knot doesn’t go around the hook eye twice like the Trilene knot does. Maybe I could try making the fish n fool knot weedless…anyway, thanks again!

Ronnie Artigue
3 years ago

Hi Tony; thanks for all your posts and videos. They are very helpful. After seeing the knot test results from Luke, I have been using the Palomar and Uni knots for mono/fluro and braid, respectively. They have worked very well for me since changing over from the improved cinch for both (added over hand knot to tag end for braid to prevent slipping).

However, a couple of questions about the Trilene knot:1) Has Luke tested the Trilene knot in comparison to the Palomar for mono/fluro and braid? and 2) Have you ever tried feeding the tag end back into the loop after “Step 4: Put (ing) the tag end through the two loops at the eye of the hook”. It did work for me when I did use the Trilene knot in the past for mono and braid.

Matt Watson
3 years ago

My uncle showed me this knot 25 years ago. I either use it or a San Diego jam. But this knot has caught me my biggest fish.


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