The Trick To Fish Dock Lights At Night (Fishing The Outer Edge)

Since I posted a few reports in the Insider Community, I’ve been getting lots of questions about some of the TRICKS to fish dock lights at night!

When I am able to, I’ll fish the dock light right out behind my house for freshwater bass.

Little do some anglers know, you can actually use that bright dock light to your advantage!!

Check it out!

Tricks To Fish Dock Lights At Night [VIDEO]

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The secret lies in the outer edge of the dock light line.

Now, there will definitely be some nights when the fish are feeding like crazy smack in the middle of the dock light.

But, on most nights you won’t see as much activity.

You’d be shocked to learn how many fish are hovering right outside the dock light on the outer edge of the light line.

Baitfish are attracted to areas with dock lights and often swim right out in the middle of them.

The predatory fish are sitting right outside on the edge or “shadow line” if you will.

Where the darkness meets the light on the edge is where those fish are waiting to ambush bait.

This almost acts like a piece of structure.

The light blinds the baitfish in a sense and predatory fish are aware of this in order to pluck off easy meals.

To conclude, swim your lures as close to or in the shadow line as much as possible when dock light fishing late at night.

The predatory fish are there waiting right along the line where light meets dark!!

Do you have any more questions about the tricks to fishing dock lights at night??

Let me know what you think down in the comments!!!

Finding The Fish Help

In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.

1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)

These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡ Weekend Game Plan Lessons

2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)

This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡ Smart Fishing Spots App

3. Community Reports (live feed)

The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

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Jeff Sawchuk
11 months ago

Joe, thanks for the video. I’ve also been taught to use live shrimp on small hooks (1/0) for dock fishing at night. I’m gonna try the slam shady paddle tail next time. Do you recommend the 2.0 slam shady???

Paul Jones
11 months ago
Reply to  Jeff Sawchuk

Hey Jeff, about 75% of the fishing I do is off of dock lights, and I’d say 90% of the fish I catch are caught on slam shady paddle tails, either the 2.0 or the bomber size. It’s made life a lot easier on me not having to worry with keeping shrimp alive on my kayak. Also, it’s really just cheaper. I think a pack of SS 2.0’s + 3/0 Hoss helix hooks should run you around 10 bucks and last several fishing trips, where you’d only get 2 dozen shrimp for the same money.

11 months ago

Great points made in your video/article. We’ve had a green light in our canal for almost 20 years here in West Galveston Bay, TX. Some additional tips: Fish 10-15 yards out around the light and hit all the water levels around that light. (Hint: Flounder love to ambush bait around a green light). If you don’t succeed take a break, walk away, and try back later. Or fish another light if you have one in the area you have access to. I’ve caught plenty of trout and redfish after walking away and coming back later. But the downside to our canal light is when you do catch a fish, the fish have lockjaw for at least 45 minutes.

Steven Free
11 months ago

Oh yea while you guys in central and south fl bundle yourselves up with long sleeves and pants and oh yes don’t forget your crazy hot gator to cover your face while you fish in the crazy heat this smart yankee goes at night and slays them then when I’m coming back from fishing to retrieve my boat and all the crazies are just launching there boat in the ungodly heat they ask me how I did and wonder why I’m coming back when they are just launching because I beat the heat by night fishing that’s why I just shake my head and smile because even though I tell alot of anglers my secret I guess no one takes me seriously well so sorry them and ha ha more for me to me when it’s so hot your eyes are burning with the sweat dripping into them and it seems like more work then it is fun to fish that’s when I start night fishing in the cool night when all the crazy heat lovers are still in bed I’m catching while they are only dreaming ha ha thats how I do it and glad no one seems to want to learn my secret oh well suits me just fine thanks for the info and all you do👍😉

Dennis Mackin
11 months ago

Thanks Joe. Great tip. I might try it this summer.

Lea Reedy
11 months ago

in the late 60’s, sarasota fl new pass bridge was the capitol for catching snook. both sides of the bridge would be loaded with fishermen hanging lanterns about a foot above the water to attract shiners. the shiners would swim in a circle and the snook would be waiting in the shadows, watching, and when they got hungry they would swim thru the light, chomping at the flashing of light from the shiners swimming in a circle around the light. the snook were actually blinded by the lantern light and could only see the flashes off of the silvery shiners. we were limited to 4 snook of at least 18 inches in length. some people would you a string of metal circles connected to each other to hang in the water an catch shiners in the rings. others would use a rectangle of monofilament diamond shaped net to trap the shiners, ME? I would use a 1/2 inch treble hook that the snook would bite as I pulled it up thru the lighted water as it was very shiny and the snook would bit the bare hook. you see are blinded around the light and can only see the reflections of light off the shiny scales on the shiners. The bright flash from the treble hook as actually brighter and the snook would bite it and I would catch my limit each night I went out. Then thanks to the Arvida Corp. which was luxury homes on longboat key, needed sand to build a golf course and the only place they could get that sand was to dredge new pass inlet from the gulf of mexico and use all that sand for the golf course. In doing so, they killed off the snook fishing from the New Pass Bridge in Sarasota Florida.

as a little humorous side note is that some folks used 20 foot bamboo cane poles and tie a 100 lb leader wire the end of and put the bait on. they tied the other end to the concreate bridge railing and when they caught a snook they would just pull the cane pole and the snook up out of the water, over everyone heads and the snook would land on the pavement of the bridge. other folks would run over to see how big the snook was.. after midnight there was very little traffic that used that bridge.

I fished that bridge for 3 years. started with I was 16.. kept my freezer full of snook. On the weekend, fire up the grill and put one filet on tin foil with butter and lemon. the other filet in a separate tin foil got bbq sauce. Oh one more tin foil got the egg roe with just butter. Folks, that is the filet mignon of fish from the sea. I loved cooking for my Dad

11 months ago

pretty crappy video, couldn’t see anything but a bright spot in the water.

Last edited 11 months ago by bobby
Lea Reedy
11 months ago
Reply to  Joseph Simonds

okay, you are fishing in fresh water…..good….l likes the salt water.


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