Low Country Trout, Redfish & Flounder (With Dan From Savannah)


If you were totally new to an area, how would you figure it out?

That’s a tough question, right?

It’s hard!

You’ve got to learn new waterways, tides, and weather patterns.

It takes a lot and if you’re currently trying to figure out your area, you’re going to love this podcast episode.

Salt Strong Insider, Dan Cantrell, shares his story of how he struggled for years to catch inshore fish and what it took for it to finally click for him.

And now, he’s teaching other anglers how to catch fish in the Low Country area so they don’t have to struggle like he did.

We covered a TON of helpful fishing tips in this episode, including:

  • The two biggest mistakes inshore anglers make
  • The biggest difference-maker when it comes to actually catching fish
  • Why spots aren’t going to help you catch fish
  • How to plan a trip to maximize your time on the water
  • And much more

You can watch the video version of this podcast below, listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

Low Country Trout & Redfish [VIDEO]

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Low Country Trout & Redfish [PODCAST]

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Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

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How To Find Feeding Fish

This is the biggest difference-maker when it comes to being successful on the water: finding feeding fish.

We always talk about how 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water and Dan has found that to be true, too.

Here’s what Dan looks for:

  1. Bait
  2. Current
  3. Structure
  4. Nearby depth change

And we always talk about the 3 B’s:

  1. Birds
  2. Bait
  3. Boils

No matter if you’re in Texas, Florida, or South Carolina, the tips above will help you catch fish because they only want two things: to eat and not be eaten.

Areas with the elements above are where fish will satisfy both of those desires, so you can usually find them there.

Why Catching Fish Isn’t About Spots

If Dan gave you his favorite spot, you might catch fish there only a handful of times.

What if it was good in the winter, but you went in the summer?

What if it was good at high tide, but you went at low tide?

Instead of finding spots, you need to learn trends.

If you know how fish actually behave, then you’ll be able to find them no matter what the conditions are.

Biggest Fishing Mistakes

low country red


Here are two mistakes Dan mentioned that cause anglers to not catch fish:

Mistake #1: Just because you see someone fishing a spot doesn’t mean there are fish there.

If you’re struggling to find fish, it’s easy to assume that everyone knows more than you.

But here’s the truth: tons of people struggle!

Don’t worry about spots or what other people are doing.

Instead, learn fish trends.

Mistake #2: Getting caught up with all the different fishing lures.

The best way to catch fish is to get really good at just a few proven lures.

That way, if you find yourself not catching fish, you know it’s the spot, not your lure.

So many people waste time in dead zones tying on new lures when really there are no feeding fish there and no matter what lure you’re using you won’t catch anything.

Here’s what Dan likes to use:

And here’s what Luke likes to use:

How To Plan A Fishing Trip

How well you plan your trip can often be the difference between catching a slam and coming home skunked.

When planning his trips, Dan first starts with the weather.

He takes into consideration elements such as the wind, temperature, and season.

Then, he looks at the tides.

He knows that if it’s high tide, he’ll go to one area, and if it’s low, he’ll go to another area.

He uses SmartFishingTides.com to help him get data and make decisions.

Another thing that lets Dan plan his trips well is his fishing network.

He talks to his fishing buddies and keeps close tabs on what the fish are doing so he knows exactly what to do when he gets on the water.

It can take years to build a good fishing network, but if you want to shortcut the process you can join the 16,000 anglers in our network in the Salt Strong Insider Club.

How To Keep Up With Dan & Low Country Fishing

If you want to keep up with Dan from Savannah you can do so at the links below:

He’s also producing a lot of content in the Insider Club for the Low Country area and interacting with members so you can join the Salt Strong Insider Club here.


low country flounder

What an inspiring story!

For many people, fishing is in their blood, so it’s really cool to hear how Dan struggled for years but didn’t give up and now he’s giving back by teaching others.

Do you have any questions for Dan?

Let us know down in the comments!

And if you want to join him and 16,000 other anglers and get our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store, click here to join us in the Insider Club.

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frank marinucci
2 years ago

I just moved to Beaufort and listened to this video with DanfromSavannah. I feel like I got 10 years of fishing experience in 45 minutes…. You guys are fantastic because you explain “why” and “how”. Best comment of the video from Dan “the fish don’t move…they go from home to McDonalds every day…”

Love you guys and looking forward to learning the area and contributing more content as I get my feet on the ground.

Insider Club….best money I ever spent.


3 years ago

with the secret lure i catch black brume and jack and red fish and snook and trout

3 years ago

i have the secret lure

Stephen Alligood
3 years ago

I fish the Pamlico Sound, NC. Conditions are everything! I can go to a spot and throw everything in the box………nothing. The next day, same spot and I’m catching every other cast. Wind direction and water temperature change can send fish into a frenzy.

Christina Farley
3 years ago

His story is very similar to mine. Have the passion to fish but could not find the venu to learn, especially hard for women. I jointed SaltStrong over 2 years ago and try to apply information that I am learning every time I go out. Still not very good, but at least I know what mistakes I am making now. Would still love to have the option to go out w member pros to learn. Thanks Salt Strong!!

Billy Ackerman
3 years ago

Great interview! Inspirational. We are all SaltStrong!

Darrell R. Foster
3 years ago

Enjoyed interview with Savannah Dan…..I’m in that kinda frustrating place of not being able to find the fish on a consistent basis (I fish in Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon)… a lot of hit and miss, so your interview was motivating for me. Thx!

Christina Farley
3 years ago

I am in the same area Darrell and still learning as a novice. Trying to also find ppl to go with to learn. Don’t hesitate to let me know when and where if U want to try to conquer Reds and trout. Would like to have chat rooms for different areas to be able for members to meet up without if being a official Salt Strong event. #notsoundingtoocreepy

3 years ago

i go fishing in mosquito lagoon

George Layton
3 years ago

Salt Strong just keeps getting BETTER !!!!!

Andrew Celli
3 years ago

Love the video with Dan from Savannah. Dan is a great resource, funny guy. Especially living in the HHI, SC where the fishing is challenging (at least for me). Thanks guys

Mt Davis
3 years ago

Hey Dan enjoyed listening to the pod cast as well as meeting you over at Bass Pro that day. Hey the things you learn listening, I use to work in Lakeland I know it well.Hope to see ya again sometime
Mt Davis
Bluffton, SC


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