2 Costly Power-Pole Mistakes Boaters Need To Avoid
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Boating Tips, Fishing Tips, Weekly Newsletter: 2-23-20

After you’ve spent a few thousand dollars on a Power-Pole, the last thing you want to do is break it…
However, there are some common mistakes many boats make that slowly wear down Power-Poles, but are really easy to avoid.
Capt. Mark “Hollywood” Johnson from FloridaKeysFunFishing.com has a fleet of several inshore boats that all have Power-Poles on them, so he knows exactly how to (and how not to) use Power-Poles.
Watch the video below to see the top Power-Pole mistakes and learn how to fix them.
Top 2 Power Pole Mistakes [VIDEO]
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Before you deploy your Power-Pole, you need to assess your situation.
What direction and how fast is the wind blowing?
What direction and how fast is the current moving?
What’s the tide doing?
How deep is the water?
Once you know all of these factors, you can safely deploy your Power-Pole in a way that won’t wear it down.
Here are the two biggest mistakes that most boaters make when it comes to Power-Poles:
Mistake #1: Putting the spike in at a bad angle
When your spike is at a bad angle the boat can swing from side to side and wear out the nuts and bolts in the elbow joints.
Mistake #2: Putting the spike too far down
The spike only needs to go about a foot into the bottom.
If it goes any deeper than that, it can easily get stuck.
You may have to use your motor to get it out, which can damage the unit, or the spike might break.
Power-Poles are amazing tools to use on the water, but if you don’t use them right, they won’t last long.
Two common mistakes that boaters make are:
- Not putting the spike in at the right angle
- Putting the spike too deep into the ground
Have you made these mistakes?
Are there any other common mistakes you’ve seen with Power-Poles?
Let me know in the comments below!
If you’re in the Keys and you want to book a trip with Capt. Johnson, you can do so at FloridaKeysFunFishing.com.
And if you know someone who’s making these mistakes with their Power-Poles, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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My concern with the PP is deploying it as the boat comes to a stop and the current is moving to,in the direction that you are headed in,plus wind to,your back. The perfect scenario would be to come to a complete stop then deploy. But sometimes that can be impossible if you are to make a quite deployment as not to disturb the fish and area. Your advice please. Thanks.
I have a 160 mile round trip when I go fishing. That equals a lot of bouncing for my power pole on the trip. After replacing my bushings and nuts and bolts on my power pole (not cheap) a while back, I started using a ratchet strap to secure my power pole during trailering. It seems to have slowed down the amount of wear occurring on the bushings.