The Salt Strong Core Beliefs (What We Stand For)

We believe in Family

We believe that fishing can bring families closer together 

We believe that America needs more Tackle Boxes and Fewer Xboxes…

We believe that the two most powerful things to heal people are prayer and saltwater… in that order

We believe that all anglers were created equal

We believe that it is our duty to teach the next generation how to fish

We believe that kids will remember their best fishing experiences 30 years from now

We believe in sharing fishing knowledge

We believe that Strong Anglers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, sexes, disabilities, and differences

We believe that a passionate Tribe of anglers can accomplish anything together

We believe in always saying, “Please”, “Thank You”, “Sir”, and “Ma’am

We believe that fishing is under attack and we must do everything in our power to ensure future generations can enjoy fishing like we did

We believe that it is our duty as anglers to respect and protect our fisheries

We believe that “Pa-POW!” is a word

We believe in listening, loving, and respecting our customers

We believe in ALWAYS telling the truth and being transparent

We believe that America is the best country in the world

We believe that America has slightly gone off course…

We believe that anglers can unite to make America a better place

We believe that “Merry Christmas” is what you should say during “Christmas”

We believe that if you don’t stand for something then you stand for nothing

We believe that we need to give back to the military, the disabled, and those that don’t have the same liberties we have

We believe that there is no better legacy to leave behind than passing on the love of fishing to the next generation

We believe that cell phones ringers MUST be turned off (or on vibrate) while fishing

We believe that God has called us to start Salt Strong

We believe that we can help change the world through fishing…

We believe it so much that we quit our jobs and sold everything we had to make it happen…

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Cory Furlough
4 months ago

Could not agree more with all of the statements above. Proud to be a part of the family of God and Salt Strong. Tight lines!

Scott Garrison
1 year ago


Keith Lowe
1 year ago

Love all this!

Jim Burch
2 years ago

Amen and Amen!

Mark Wallace
2 years ago


Richard Kim Greene
2 years ago

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Kris Citty
2 years ago

I met Andy today at Seagrove Beach. I enjoyed talking with him and learning just a little. I’m from Arkansas so I know NOTHING about saltwater fishing. I suggested to him you may consider a weekly membership for the occasional beach vacationer. I appreciate and agree 100% what you stand for. Andy is a great ambassador for Salt Strong.

Steve Miller
3 years ago

I am new to saltwater fishing and have so much to learn.I have several young people that I take fishing and to help get them on fish will keep them excited about fishing. I have watched a lot of your YouTube videos and have really enjoyed them. I have been debating whether I should join your insider club for a couple of weeks now. Today I read your Core Beliefs and was very impressed. For that reason alone I have decided that even if I never learn a thing, although I know that I will, it is worth every dollar to support you with a one year membership.

Steve Bullard
3 years ago

Just wanted to say thank you for your vision and wanted to share two thoughts. I would like to see you honor god in the manifesto. Second, this is about me, I feel closer to God every time I am on or near the water. I believe this is the major reason I love fishing and the peace i am blessed with.

Keep up the great work!

Robert Combs
3 years ago

Thank you for your excellent article on the beginnings of Salt Strong and your core beliefs. I’m thrilled that God called you’ll into this business and for the reasons stated. Walk with Christ daily and you can’t go wrong! I start every morning with prayer and thanking God for His blessings. I’m in God’s word daily as well so He can talk to me and provide His guidance. Once again thanks!

John Buckner
7 months ago
Reply to  Robert Combs

AMEN , To all, and GOD bless.


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